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Moving to Cloud Computing – A Strategic Move Every SME Should Take

Can you imagine this world without technology? We are sure it’s extremely difficult for you to do so! Well, in today’s time, technology plays a pivotal role in everyday life. Even menial tasks such as grocery shopping or booking a plumber are performed with the help of technology-oriented services and applications.

In such a scenario, making a business reach its full potential without leveraging technology is near to impossible. Technology keeps modifying, upgrading, and advancing continually, thereby requiring the entrepreneurs to not only make a one-time huge investment but also bear significant costs on a frequent basis.

While multinational corporations (MNCs) and organizations operating on a large scale can afford to deploy new technologies regularly, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) cannot invest a large sum of money for utilizing modern technological resources.

How Cloud Computing is a boon for SMEs?

Organizations operating on small and medium levels need cost-effective solutions for catering to their technological needs and thriving in marketplace. Cloud computing offers them a convenient and budget-friendly way to put technology to the best use for achieving their business goals.

Removing the need for designing and creating in-house IT infrastructure, cloud computing platforms provide users with efficient, scalable, and innovative solutions. The fact that cloud computing is one of the most promising and sophisticated technologies of the last decade is undeniable, especially considering its growing popularity. The demand for cloud-based services is expected to show increasing trend in the future as well.

What Cloud Computing exactly entails?

Though cloud computing needs no introduction, we have tried to explain this beneficial and interesting technology in simplest terms, so that business owners and managers can equip themselves with the knowledge required for employing cloud computing tools.

Cloud computing can be defined as a group of services or solutions which can be availed by organizations through cloud-based resources. These resources are data centers which comprise servers used to store valuable information of businesses.

This information or data is related to various aspects of a business, including finance, inventory, R&D, employees, suppliers, distributors, and customers.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing provides a wide range of benefits to businesses operating in many industries, including but not limited to healthcare, hospitality, education, transportation, manufacturing, mining, food processing, banking, insurance, automotive, and telecommunication. As the need for managing software and hardware is outsourced to cloud computing providers or vendors, you can have the burden of hiring technology experts off your shoulders.

The databases, programs, and applications used by the organizations for carrying out core and support business functions, for example, accounting, budget, production, logistics, recruitment, payroll, sales, legal, marketing, customer service, training, and quality control are hosted and maintained in data centers located at the premises of third-party vendors that offer cloud computing services.

Thus, you don’t need to buy, keep, and maintain physical servers in your premises, which saves you from the trouble of paying high electricity bills and ensuring data security. Cloud computing services are considered ideal for small and medium enterprises as they can save enormous amount of space, time, and money. You will witness a large number of cloud computing companies in the market today.

Why SMEs should rely on Cloud Computing Technology?

Describing the advantages of cloud computing for small and medium enterprises will require an entire blog post. The terms like “cloud computing and big data” and “cloud computing and artificial intelligence” prove the importance cloud-based data storage and data processing hold in corporate realm.

Therefore, we have explained in a nutshell, how your business can gain from cloud computing architecture:

  1. Performance
  2. Cloud computing companies keep upgrading the hardware and software to the latest models and versions respectively.

  3. Scalability
  4. You can choose to increase or decrease the number of cloud computing tools as well as size of IT resources, viz., storage, bandwidth, and power.

  5. Data Backup
  6. Every piece of information stored in the cloud gets mirrored and transferred to a remote storage system. So, data backup and data recovery become easy.

  7. Simple to Use
  8. The files are transferred from local onsite systems to offsite cloud computing platforms by users with the help of simple methods.

  9. Quick Access
  10. Employees of an enterprise can access the data stored in the cloud via the Internet on all types of devices, such as desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobiles from any location quickly.

  11. Low Cost
  12. Using cloud computing technology costs much lower than using traditional in-house servers. Moreover, as it offers flexibility in terms of capacity, you can utilize resources optimally.

The knowledge of how cloud computing works helps the entrepreneurs and managers in determining the right solutions for their organization.

Why Cloud Computing is important?

Cloud computing technology increases the efficiency and speed of the business processes, thereby facilitating smooth and accurate decision-making by the organizations. As setting up the hardware and software is handled by third-party vendors, your staff can concentrate on productive tasks.

The technical issues and bugs are also troubleshot and fixed by the professionals working with cloud computing companies. You can approach one of the reputable companies providing cloud computing solutions for discussing your needs. They will assess your requirements by carrying out discussions and studying your business environment to decide the most suitable cloud computing platforms.

They will also assist you in selecting the perfect option from all four types of the cloud computing services, namely, infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS), and functions as a service (FaaS).


Cloud-based applications allow the employees to work remotely, and thus, organizations can hire the best talent from different parts of the world. It will not be wrong to say that cloud computing growth rate will accelerate in the coming years, thereby opening the door to ground breaking enterprise data management solutions.

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