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Points to Consider before Buying Hair Extensions and Wigs

When you meet any person, what is the first thing you notice about them? We are sure that most of the readers would have said “Hair”! Hair is undoubtedly one of the most noticeable aspects of the physical appearance of every person, especially woman. Therefore, when ladies feel that their natural hair is not doing justice to their beauty appeal, they resort to wearing wigs or hair extensions.

Unlike previous times, wigs and hair extensions are not seen with disgust today. In fact, they are perceived to be very cool or fancy.When it comes to looking your best for any special occasion or turning a few heads, wearing a wig or hair extensions is certainly a go-to technique. However, wigs or hair extensions are not just meant for special occasions or events, as you can also wear them on a daily basis.

If you are not satisfied with the volume or length of your hair and want to up your style game, then wigs are hair extensions are made for you! You can keep different styles of wigs and hair extensions to sport a new look every day.

But as the best quality wigs and hair extensions are costly, you must show prudence in choosing the right wig or hair extensions. No need to tickle your mind as we have drawn up a list of three important points that you have to consider before buying wigs and hair extensions.

Take these factors into account for Buying Hair Extensions and Wigs

Material – Real or Synthetic

Both the materials used for making wigs and hair extensions, i.e., human hair and synthetic hair have their pros and cons. Wigs and hair extensions made from human hair have a natural appearance, bounce, and shine, but they also have their downsides, such as high cost and high maintenance. Whereas synthetic wigs and hair extensions require low maintenance, but they do not last too long.

Tip: Irrespective of the material from which your wigs or hair extensions are made, just make sure to wash them at recommended intervals to increase their longevity.

Size and Length

Size is one of the most significant factors to be borne in mind while buying a wig or hair extensions as ‘one size fits all’ approach cannot be adopted here. Selecting the wig or hair extensions with suitable size ensures that you will be comfortable while wearing them.

Similarly, your comfort also depends on the length of the wig or hair extensions. While some women like long hair, others like to keep them short. Choose the length according to your preference and lifestyle. Don’t forget about the role that your regional climate plays as you would definitely not want to wear long wigs in the summer.

Tip: When you go for purchasing the wig or hair extensions, try wearing them to check whether you are comfortable or not.

Type, Color, and Style

Amongst the various types of wigs and hair extensions, you need to choose the one which provides you with the ease of use and helps you in a making a desired style statement. Full lace, lace front, and monofilament are a few types of wigs. Different types of hair extensions include clip-in, wefts, weaves, tape-in, sew-in, fusion, and many more. The hair extensions can be temporary, semi-permanent or permanent.

The colors in which wigs and hair extensions are available are definitely more than the natural colors of human hair. Therefore, when you see wigs or hair extensions in an unusual color, you might find them extremely attractive, but they might not be the best match as per your natural skin tone. You must buy wigs and hair extensions by considering the color of your skin as well as natural hair.

You can choose a similar shade or a contrasting shade depending on how you look after wearing the wig or hair extensions. Once you have decided on the color, it’s time to pick your favorite style. You can find wigs and hair extensions in straight, curly, and wavy styles.

Tip: While it’s better to buy the wig that suits you the best according to your natural skin tone and hair color, you should never be afraid of experimenting.


Whether you wish to use wigs or hair extensions as a temporary fix or a permanent solution, making the perfect buying decision is vital to spend your money wisely. If you get confused due to the ample options available for wigs and hair extensions in the market, just imagine the new look you want to have and go with your gut feeling. You can also ask one of your friends to come with you when you go for buying a wig or hair extensions to get their opinion.

Beautiful and healthy-looking hair enable you to lead a more fulfilling life as they accentuate your look and improve your confidence level.

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